Last update: 2018-01-18

Code version: 5996c19850dc5fc65723f30bc33ab1c8d083a7e6

Setting important directories

Also loading important libraries and custom functions for analysis.

seq_dir <- "/Volumes/PAULHOOK/sc-da-parkinsons/data"
file_dir <- "/Volumes/PAULHOOK/sc-da-parkinsons/output"
Rdata_dir <- "/Volumes/PAULHOOK/sc-da-parkinsons/data"
Script_dir <- "/Volumes/PAULHOOK/sc-da-parkinsons/code"


Loading La Manno (2016) data

In order to incorporate other information about expression of genes in SN DA neurons, we downloaded expression data from adult midbrain. This came from La Manno, et al. (2016) courtesy of GEO:GSE76381. This data was not in a very friendly format (an extensive header; see below), so it had to be extensively processed. This data is referred to as “linnarsson” (who is the senior author on the paper) because it was easier to remember.

# Loading in the data <- read.csv(file = file.path(Rdata_dir,"GSE76381_MouseAdultDAMoleculeCounts.cef.txt"), stringsAsFactors = F)
## [1] 18224   245
# This is a very convoluted header
test <- head([,1:5]

Extracting cell annotation

In order to better work with this data, we needed to extract the cell annotation. This is contained in the “CELL_ID” and “Cell_type” data seen above. This annotation dataframe will have rows in the same order as columns.

# First, in order to make the data easier to work with, we transpose the data to make it easer to work with
linnarsson.t <- t(
## [1]   245 18224
# Extracting just the columns of cell annotations
linnarsson.cells <- linnarsson.t[,2:3]

# Removing the first two rows (CEF and X1) that are useless
linnarsson.cells <- as_data_frame(linnarsson.cells[-1:-2,])
names(linnarsson.cells) <- c("CELL_ID", "CELL_TYPE")
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##          CELL_ID CELL_TYPE
##            <chr>     <chr>
## 1 1772072122_A04   DA-VTA4
## 2 1772072122_A05   DA-VTA2
## 3 1772072122_A06   DA-VTA3
## 4 1772072122_A07    DA-SNC
## 5 1772072122_A08   DA-VTA4
## 6 1772072122_A09   DA-VTA1

Extracting expression data

Now, we need to extract the expression data.

# Now extracting the expression matrix. Start with row 5 as thats where the expression data actually starts.
linnarsson.exprs <-[5:nrow(,]
## [1] 18220   245
# Removing the 2nd column which is blank ("X1")
linnarsson.exprs <- linnarsson.exprs[,-2]

# Renaming rows as gene names
rownames(linnarsson.exprs) <- linnarsson.exprs[,1]
linnarsson.exprs <- linnarsson.exprs[,-1]
## [1] 18220   243

Merging expression data with the cellular annotation.

Again, the column order of the expression matrix is in the same order as the cellular annotations, so we can just pop the cell names back on back on.

# Adding back in column names
names(linnarsson.exprs) <- linnarsson.cells$CELL_ID

# Making sure all columns are 'numeric' <-, 2, as.numeric))

# Making sure rownames are the same
rownames( <- rownames(linnarsson.exprs)

Extracting SN DA neuron information

Now, we want to just extract ‘DA-SNC’ data and calculate the average expression for each gene

# Extracting cells classified as 'DA-SNC'
lin.snc.cell <- linnarsson.cells[linnarsson.cells$CELL_TYPE == "DA-SNC",]

# Saving list of cell names that were classified as 'DA-SNC'
snc.cells <- lin.snc.cell$CELL_ID

# Extracting the expression for all 'DA-SNC' cells
lin.snc.exprs <-[,colnames( %in% snc.cells]

# Calculating the mean
snc.mean.df <-, 1, mean))
names(snc.mean.df) <- "snc.mean"
rownames(snc.mean.df) <- rownames(lin.snc.exprs)
##         snc.mean
## Xkr4   0.2465753
## Rp1    0.0000000
## Sox17  0.0000000
## Mrpl15 1.3013699
## Lypla1 0.8904110
## Tcea1  2.2602740
# Only keeping rownames (genes) that have an average expression >= 0.5. I have to duplicate a column because dataframes do not cooperate.
snc.mean.df$mean.2 <- snc.mean.df$snc.mean
lin.snc.expressed <- row.names(snc.mean.df[snc.mean.df$snc.mean >= 0.5,])
## [1] "Mrpl15"  "Lypla1"  "Tcea1"   "Atp6v1h" "Oprk1"   "Rb1cc1"
# Saving the names of genes that are expressed above 0.5 for later use
saveRDS(object = lin.snc.expressed, file = file.path(Rdata_dir,"lin.snc.expressed.rds"))

Session Info

## R version 3.3.0 (2016-05-03)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan)
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