Last update: 2018-01-18

Code version: 5996c19850dc5fc65723f30bc33ab1c8d083a7e6

Setting important directories.

Also loading important libraries and custom functions for analysis

seq_dir <- "/Volumes/PAULHOOK/sc-da-parkinsons/data"
file_dir <- "/Volumes/PAULHOOK/sc-da-parkinsons/output"
Rdata_dir <- "/Volumes/PAULHOOK/sc-da-parkinsons/data"
Script_dir <- "/Volumes/PAULHOOK/sc-da-parkinsons/code"

Untarring big files

untar(file.path(seq_dir,"genes.fpkm_table.tar.gz"), exdir = seq_dir)
untar(file.path(seq_dir, "isoforms.fpkm_table.tar.gz"), exdir = seq_dir)
untar(file.path(seq_dir, "isoforms.count_table.tar.gz"), exdir = seq_dir)

Loading FPKM datasets

These datasets were generated through cuffquant at the gene and isoform levels

#Gene FPKMs
fpkms<-read.delim(file.path(seq_dir,"genes.fpkm_table"),row.names=1) # reading in the fpkm table produced by cuffquant
gene_ann<-read.delim(file.path(seq_dir,"genes.attr_table")) # reading in the gene annotation table
rownames(gene_ann)<-gene_ann$tracking_id #renaming row names

#Isoform FPKMs
isoform_fpkms<-read.delim(file.path(seq_dir,"isoforms.fpkm_table")) # reading in isoform fpkm table produced from cuffquant
row.names(isoform_fpkms) <- isoform_fpkms$tracking_id # renaming rows
isoform_fpkms <- isoform_fpkms[,-1] # removing the first column

Annotating the single-cell samples and genes

#Sample Annotation
sample_ann<-read.delim(file.path(seq_dir,"samples.table")) # reading in sample table
sample_ann$cell_id<-str_extract(as.character(sample_ann$sample_id),"TH_0[0-9]+_[A-H][0-9]+") #assigning cell IDs to the sample annotation table
rownames(sample_ann)<-sample_ann$cell_id # renaming rows the cell ID names
colnames(fpkms)<-sample_ann$cell_id # renaming columns in fpkms table to the cell ID names

master_cell_sheet<-read.delim(file.path(seq_dir,"CORRECTED_20160605_TH_master_sample_info_sheet.txt")) # reading in the master cell sheet that contains all pData about cells
master_cell_sheet<-master_cell_sheet[,1:28] # keeping columns 1:28 only

sample_info<-merge(sample_ann,master_cell_sheet,by.x=0,by.y='cell_id',sort=FALSE) # merging sample annotation with master_cell_sheet to get all information about cells in 1 place
rownames(sample_info)<-sample_info$cell_id # renaming rows
sample_info<-sample_info[,-1] # getting rid of "Row.names" column created by merging

gene_info<-read.delim(file.path(seq_dir,"")) # loading in gencode vM8 gene annotatin for mouse genes
keyCols<-c("gene_status",'level','gene_type') # keeping only this information

tmp<-merge(gene_ann,gene_info[,keyCols],by=0,sort=FALSE) # merging gene ann and addition gencode gene information
rownames(tmp)<-tmp$Row.names # renaming rows
tmp<-tmp[,-1] # getting rid of "Row.names" column

gene_ann<-tmp # create final annotation table

lncRNA_geneIds<-gene_info$gene_id[gene_info$gene_type == "lincRNA"] # pulling out all long non-coding RNA genes

Creating the CellDataSet (cds)

Negative controls/empty wells are removed as part of this process

fd<-new("AnnotatedDataFrame",data=gene_ann) # officially making fData for genes
pd<-new("AnnotatedDataFrame",data=sample_info) # officially making pData for cells

# Creating our new cellDataSet for use in Monocle applications
dat.relative <- newCellDataSet(as(as.matrix(fpkms),"sparseMatrix"),

# Checking the number of cells in the experiment
nrow(pData(dat.relative)) # 480 cells
## [1] 480
# Removing all the cells that are "neg_ctls" and "empty"
dat.relative <- dat.relative[,pData(dat.relative)$type=="sample"]
nrow(pData(dat.relative)) # 473 cells
## [1] 473

Infer RNA copies per cell

Using the Monocle Census algorithm to infer RNA copies per cell and create a new cds

# Infer RNA copies per cell using relative2abs on isoform-level estimated t with the Census algorithm
fpkm_matrix_adj <- relative2abs(dat.relative, t_estimate=estimate_t(isoform_fpkms),cores=4)

# Create new dat object with absolute RNA copies per cell (estimated).  Allows us to use faster and better characterized negbinom distribution for testing.

dat <- newCellDataSet(as(as.matrix(fpkm_matrix_adj),"sparseMatrix"),
                      phenoData = pd,
                      featureData = fd,

Filtering cells based on number of genes detected

# Loading the data
dat.filter <- dat

# 'detect' genes and summarize by cell and by gene
nrow(pData(dat.filter)) # number of cells 473
## [1] 473
# Plot num genes expressed across cells
hist(pData(dat.filter)$num_genes_expressed,breaks=50,col="steelblue",main="Genes expressed per cell")

# Setting the expressed genes threshold based on the plot above
low.num.genes.threshold <- 2000 # determined by looking at the graph
high.num.genes.threshold <- 10000 # determined by looking at the graph
     main="Genes expressed per cell",
     xlim = c(0,10000))
abline(v=low.num.genes.threshold,lty = "dashed")

nrow(pData(dat.filter)) # 473
## [1] 473
# Getting rid of the cells that are outside the thresholds
dat.filter <- dat.filter[,row.names(subset(pData(dat.filter),num_genes_expressed >= low.num.genes.threshold))]
dat.filter <- dat.filter[,row.names(subset(pData(dat.filter),num_genes_expressed <= high.num.genes.threshold))]

# Replotting to check distribution
     main="Genes expressed per cell",
     xlim = c(0,10000))
abline(v=low.num.genes.threshold,lty = "dashed")

# Number of cells left
nrow(pData(dat.filter)) #431
## [1] 431

Filtering cells based on cell mass

# Plotting the distribution of total cell mass
     main="Distribution of Total mass by cell")

# Setting the threshold based on the graph above
massThreshold<-1e+05 # Adjust this based on observation of mass distribution
massThreshold.2 <-13e+05
     main="Distribution of Total mass by cell")

# Filter out cells with 'low' number of fragments and 'high'
## [1] 431
dat.filter<-dat.filter[,row.names(subset(pData(dat.filter),total_mass >= massThreshold))]
dat.filter<-dat.filter[,row.names(subset(pData(dat.filter),total_mass <= massThreshold.2))]
nrow(pData(dat.filter)) # 410
## [1] 410
# Replot to look at distribution
     main="Distribution of Total mass by cell")

Filtering cells based on total mRNAs

# Calculate total RNA mass per cell
pData(dat.filter)$Total_mRNAs <- colSums(exprs(dat.filter))

# Plot the distribution of total RNA mass per cell
     main="Distribution of mRNA copies per cell",
     xlim = c(0,5e+04))

# Set high and low thresholds determined from the distribution above
high.numGeneThreshold <- 4e+04
low.num.genes.threshold <- 1000

# Replot distribution with thresholds plotted
     main="Distribution of mRNA copies per cell",
     xlim = c(0,5e+04))

# Remove cells that fall under the high threshold
nrow(pData(dat.filter)) # 410
## [1] 410
dat.filter<-dat.filter[,pData(dat.filter)$Total_mRNAs <= high.numGeneThreshold]
nrow(pData(dat.filter)) # 410
## [1] 410

Recalculate detected genes

Now that only high quality cells are retained, the detectGenes function is used to recalculate the # of genes detected in each cell

# Recalculate # of genes

Checking log-normal distribution

Before beginning Monocle analysis, the data needs to be checked to ensure that it follows a log-normal distribution. We find that our data follows a log-normal distribution. Script is pulled directly from Monocle manual

# Log-transform each value in the expression matrix.
L <- log(exprs(dat.filter))
# Standardize each gene, so that they are all on the same scale, Then melt
# the data with plyr so we can plot it easily
melted_dens_df <- melt(t(scale(t(L))))
# Plot the distribution of the standardized gene expression values.
qplot(value, geom = "density", data = melted_dens_df) + stat_function(fun = dnorm,
size = 0.5, color = "red") + xlab("Standardized log(Transcripts)") + ylab("Density")
## Warning: Removed 11850640 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).

## Warning: Removed 11850640 rows containing non-finite values (stat_density).

Subsetting the data

The data is subsetted according to age and region. These subsetted cds are saved as .rds objects to be used in subsequent analyses

nrow(pData(dat.filter)) # 410 cells
## [1] 410
saveRDS(object = dat.filter, file = file.path(Rdata_dir,"dat.filter.rds"))
nrow(pData(e15.dat.filter)) # 172 cells at e15 before filtering
## [1] 172
saveRDS(object = e15.dat.filter, file = file.path(Rdata_dir,"e15.dat.filter.rds"))
e15.Mb.dat.filter <- dat.filter[,pData(dat.filter)$age=="E15.5" & pData(dat.filter)$region=="MB"]
nrow(pData(e15.Mb.dat.filter)) # 88 cells
## [1] 88
saveRDS(object = e15.Mb.dat.filter, file = file.path(Rdata_dir,"e15.Mb.dat.filter.rds"))
e15.Fb.dat.filter <- dat.filter[,pData(dat.filter)$age=="E15.5" & pData(dat.filter)$region=="FB"]
nrow(pData(e15.Fb.dat.filter)) # 84 cells
## [1] 84
saveRDS(object = e15.Fb.dat.filter, file = file.path(Rdata_dir,"e15.Fb.dat.filter.rds"))
nrow(pData(P7.dat.filter)) # 238 cells at P7 before filtering
## [1] 238
saveRDS(object = P7.dat.filter, file = file.path(Rdata_dir,"P7.dat.filter.rds"))
P7.Mb.dat.filter<-dat.filter[,pData(dat.filter)$age=="P7" & pData(dat.filter)$region=="MB"]
nrow(pData(P7.Mb.dat.filter)) # 80
## [1] 80
saveRDS(object = P7.Mb.dat.filter, file = file.path(Rdata_dir, "P7.Mb.dat.filter.rds"))
P7.Fb.dat.filter<-dat.filter[,pData(dat.filter)$age=="P7" & pData(dat.filter)$region=="FB"]
nrow(pData(P7.Fb.dat.filter)) # 84
## [1] 84
saveRDS(object = P7.Fb.dat.filter, file = file.path(Rdata_dir, "P7.Fb.dat.filter.rds"))
P7.Ob.dat.filter<-dat.filter[,pData(dat.filter)$age=="P7" & pData(dat.filter)$region=="OB"]
nrow(pData(P7.Ob.dat.filter)) # 74
## [1] 74
saveRDS(object = P7.Ob.dat.filter, file = file.path(Rdata_dir, "P7.Ob.dat.filter.rds"))

Removing uncompressed large files before commit

file.remove(file.path(seq_dir, "isoforms.fpkm_table"))
## [1] TRUE
file.remove(file.path(seq_dir, "genes.fpkm_table"))
## [1] TRUE
file.remove(file.path(seq_dir, "isoforms.count_table"))
## [1] TRUE

Session Information

## R version 3.3.0 (2016-05-03)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan)
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
##  [1] grid      splines   stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices
##  [8] utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] ggbiplot_0.55       scales_0.5.0        SC3_1.1.4          
##  [4] ROCR_1.0-7          jackstraw_1.1.1     lfa_1.2.2          
##  [7] tsne_0.1-3          gridExtra_2.3       slackr_1.4.2       
## [10] vegan_2.4-4         permute_0.9-4       MASS_7.3-47        
## [13] gplots_3.0.1        RColorBrewer_1.1-2  Hmisc_4.0-3        
## [16] Formula_1.2-2       survival_2.41-3     lattice_0.20-35    
## [19] Heatplus_2.18.0     Rtsne_0.13          pheatmap_1.0.8     
## [22] tidyr_0.7.1         dplyr_0.7.4         plyr_1.8.4         
## [25] heatmap.plus_1.3    stringr_1.2.0       marray_1.50.0      
## [28] limma_3.28.21       reshape2_1.4.3      monocle_2.2.0      
## [31] DDRTree_0.1.5       irlba_2.2.1         VGAM_1.0-2         
## [34] ggplot2_2.2.1       Biobase_2.32.0      BiocGenerics_0.18.0
## [37] Matrix_1.2-11      
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] RSelenium_1.7.1        colorspace_1.3-2       class_7.3-14          
##  [4] rprojroot_1.2          htmlTable_1.9          corpcor_1.6.9         
##  [7] base64enc_0.1-3        mvtnorm_1.0-6          codetools_0.2-15      
## [10] doParallel_1.0.11      robustbase_0.92-7      knitr_1.17            
## [13] jsonlite_1.5           cluster_2.0.6          semver_0.2.0          
## [16] shiny_1.0.5            rrcov_1.4-3            httr_1.3.1            
## [19] backports_1.1.1        assertthat_0.2.0       lazyeval_0.2.1        
## [22] acepack_1.4.1          htmltools_0.3.6        tools_3.3.0           
## [25] bindrcpp_0.2           igraph_1.1.2           gtable_0.2.0          
## [28] glue_1.1.1             binman_0.1.0           doRNG_1.6.6           
## [31] Rcpp_0.12.14           slam_0.1-37            gdata_2.18.0          
## [34] nlme_3.1-131           iterators_1.0.8        mime_0.5              
## [37] rngtools_1.2.4         gtools_3.5.0           WriteXLS_4.0.0        
## [40] XML_3.98-1.9           DEoptimR_1.0-8         yaml_2.1.15           
## [43] pkgmaker_0.22          rpart_4.1-11           fastICA_1.2-1         
## [46] latticeExtra_0.6-28    stringi_1.1.5          pcaPP_1.9-72          
## [49] foreach_1.4.3          e1071_1.6-8            checkmate_1.8.4       
## [52] caTools_1.17.1         rlang_0.1.6            pkgconfig_2.0.1       
## [55] matrixStats_0.52.2     bitops_1.0-6           qlcMatrix_0.9.5       
## [58] evaluate_0.10.1        purrr_0.2.4            bindr_0.1             
## [61] labeling_0.3           htmlwidgets_0.9        magrittr_1.5          
## [64] R6_2.2.2               combinat_0.0-8         wdman_0.2.2           
## [67] foreign_0.8-69         mgcv_1.8-22            nnet_7.3-12           
## [70] tibble_1.3.4           KernSmooth_2.23-15     rmarkdown_1.8         
## [73] data.table_1.10.4      HSMMSingleCell_0.106.2 digest_0.6.12         
## [76] xtable_1.8-2           httpuv_1.3.5           openssl_0.9.7         
## [79] munsell_0.4.3          registry_0.3

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