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Mahlke, M.A., Lumerman, L., Nath, P., Chittenden, C., Hoyt, S., Koeppel, J., Xu, Y., Raphael, R., Zaffina, K., Hook, P.W., et al. (2025). Epigenetically dynamic human centromeres are maintained within a stable DNA methylation signature. bioRxiv, 2025.02.03.636285.

Volkel, K.D., Hook, P.W., Keung, A., Timp, W., and Tuck, J.M. (2025). Nanopore decoding with speed and versatility for data storage. Bioinformatics, Volume 41, Issue 1, btaf006.


Lin, K.N., Volkel, K., Cao, C., Hook, P.W., Polak, R.E., Clark, A.S., San Miguel, A., Timp, W., Tuck, J.M., Velev, O.D., et al. (2024). A primordial DNA store and compute engine. Nat. Nanotechnol., 1–11.

Guerrero Zuniga, A., Aikin, T.J., McKenney, C., Lendner, Y., Phung, A., Hook, P.W., Meltzer, A., Timp, W., and Regot, S. (2024). Sustained ERK signaling promotes G2 cell cycle exit and primes cells for whole-genome duplication. Developmental Cell 59, 1–13.

Kovaka, S., Hook, P.W., Jenike, K.M., Shivakumar, V., Morina, L.B. Razaghi, R., Timp, W., Schatz, M .C (2024). Uncalled4 improves nanopore DNA and RNA modification detection via fast and accurate signal alignment. bioRxiv, 2024.03.05.58351.


Volkel, K.D, Lin, K.N., Hook, P.W., Timp, W., Keung, A.J., and Tuck, J.M (2023). FrameD: framework for DNA-based data storage design, verification, and validation. Bioinformatics, Volume 39, Issue 10, October 2023, btad572.

Rhie, A., Nurk, S., Cechova, M., Hoyt, S.J., Taylor, D.J., Altemose, N., Hook, P.W., Koren, S., Rautiainen, M., Alexandrov, I.A., …, Eichler, E.E, O’Neill, R., Schatz, M.C., Miga, K.H., Makova, K.D., and Phillippy, A.M. (2023). The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome. Nature 621, 344–354.

Hook, P.W., and Timp, W. (2023). Beyond assembly: the increasing flexibility of single-molecule sequencing technology. Nat. Rev. Genet. 24, 627–641.

Boyd, R.J., McClymont, S.A., Barrientos, N.B., Hook, P.W., Law, W.D., Rose, R.J., Waite, E.L., Rathinavelu, J., Avramopoulos, D., and McCallion, A.S. (2023). Evaluating the mouse neural precursor line, SN4741, as a suitable proxy for midbrain dopaminergic neurons. BMC Genomics 24, 306.


Razaghi, R., Hook, P.W., Ou, S., Schatz, M. C., Hansen, K. D., Jain, M., & Timp, W. (2022). Modbamtools: Analysis of single-molecule epigenetic data for long-range profiling, heterogeneity, and clustering. bioRxiv, 2022.07.07.499188.

Gershman, A., Sauria, M.E.G., Guitart, X., Vollger, M.R., Hook, P.W., Hoyt, S.J., Jain, M., Shumate, A., Razaghi, R., Koren, S., Altemose, N., Caldas, G.V., Logsdon, G.A., Rhie, A., Eichler, E.E., Schatz, M.C., O’Neill, R.J., Phillippy, A.M., Miga, K.H., & Timp, W. (2022). Epigenetic patterns in a complete human genome. Science, 376 (6588), eabj5089.

Grad school


Soto-Beasley, A.I., Walton, R.L., Valentino, R.R., Hook, P.W., Labbé, C., Heckman, M.G., Johnson, P.W., Goff, L.A., Uitti, R.J., McLean, P.J., Springer, W., McCallion, A.S., Wszolek, Z.K., & Ross, O.A. (2020). Screening non-MAPT genes of the Chr17q21 H1 haplotype in Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 78, 138–144.

Hook, P.W., & McCallion, A.S. (2020). Leveraging mouse chromatin data for heritability enrichment informs common disease architecture and reveals cortical layer contributions to schizophrenia. Genome Res. 30, 528–539.

Previous preprint versions can be found on bioRxiv. doi:


McClymont, S.A., Hook, P.W., Soto, A.I., Reed, X., Law, W.D., Kerans, S.J., Waite, E.L., Briceno, N.J., Thole, J.F., Heckman, M.G., Diehl, N.N., Wszolek, Z.K., Moore, C.D., Zhu, H., Akiyama, J.A., Dickel, D.E., Visel, A., Pennacchio, L.A., Ross, O.A., Beer, M.A., McCallion, A.S. (2018). Parkinson Associated SNCA Enhancer Variants Revealed by Open Chromatin in Mouse Dopamine Neurons. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 103(6), 874–892. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.10.018

Hook, P.W., McClymont, S.A., Cannon, G.H., Law, W.D., Morton, A.J., Goff, L.A., and McCallion, A.S. (2018). Single-Cell RNA-Seq of Mouse Dopaminergic Neurons Informs Candidate Gene Selection for Sporadic Parkinson Disease. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 102, 427-446. doi:


Turner, T.N., Hormozdiari, F., Duyzend, M.H., McClymont, S.A., Hook, P.W., Iossifov, I., Raja, A., Baker, C., Hoekzema, K., Stessman, H.A., et al. (2016). Genome Sequencing of Autism-Affected Families Reveals Disruption of Putative Noncoding Regulatory DNA. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 98, 58-74. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.11.023

Before Grad school

2014 (Lab technician)

Maragh, S., Miller, R.A., Bessling, S.L., Wang, G., Hook, P.W., and McCallion, A.S. (2014) Rbm24a and Rbm24b Are Required for Normal Somitogenesis. PLOS ONE 9(8): e105460. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105460

2012 (Undergrad)

Van Wagenen, J., Miller, T.W., Hobbs, S., Hook, P., Crowe, B., and Huesemann, M. (2012). Effects of light and temperature on fatty acid production in Nannochloropsis salina. Energies 5, 731-740. doi: 10.3390/en5030731